Family Bundle 

25 BioStrip Packs - 100 BioStrips



You save  $ 726
  •  Price excludes Shipping,Taxes & Duty
  • Optimize your NutraLife AI Technology feedback using 1 BioStrip per week


4 BioStrip Packs - 16 BioStrips



You save $77
  • Price excludes Shipping, Taxes & Duty
  • Optimize your NutraLife AI Technology feedback using 1 BioStrip per week

BioStrip Pack

4  BioStrips


  •   Price  excludes Shipping, Taxes & Duty
  • Optimize your NutraLife AI Technology feedback using 1 BioStrip per week 

Legal Disclaimer
NutraLife.AI is not intended for diagnosing, curing, mitigating, treating, or preventing any diseases or other medical conditions and users should consult with a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional before making any medical decisions. Do not use results from NutraLife.AI in connection with any medical procedure, diagnosis or treatment.  NutraLife.AI cannot check for signs of a medical emergency. If you believe you are having a medical emergency, call emergency services.  NutraLife.AI is not intended for use by individuals under age 18 or individuals with known chronic diseases or deficiencies.

Note: The NutraLife AI app available in your market may vary from the description presented here to conform to local regulatory requirements.